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Saturday, August 29, 2015

All You Need To Know About SEO Backlinks

The quality and quantity of backlinks you have will decide how successful you are in the online world. Thousands of SEO campaigns are run across the world with one primary goal in mind – to gain quality backlinks from reputed sites.

In this article, we will discuss common questions associated with backlinks. Read through them to understand the concept thoroughly.

1.      What are backlinks?

Backlinks are links that come from external websites to yours. They are also known an inbound links.

2.      What are the different types of backlinks?

There are two kinds of backlinks:

i. Dofollow backlinks
A Dofollow backlink is highly preferred by SEO experts. This is because an external site that features a dofollow link to your site gives permission to search engines to track and index the link. A dofollow link is highly beneficial for your site.

This type of link provides link juice from the original site. It is highly crucial that the original site is a respectable one. Having an incoming link from a poor site will do more harm to your site than you expect.

ii. Nofollow backlinks
A Nofollow link on the originating site asks search engines to not track an outgoing link to your website. These links may not be great from an SEO perspective but still manage to provide quality traffic to sites.

These links will not transfer link juice and have no impact on your page's rank.

3.  What does a backlink feature?

Here is a sample line of code featuring a dummy link:
<a href = ""> Anchor text that describes your link </a>

A backlink has several components. They can be classified as under:
  • Hyperlink: It provides a path to your site through a hyperlink. A user on a site clicks the hyperlink to reach you.
  • Anchor text: The anchor text is a clickable text present in the hyperlink. It should be meaningful and relevant enough to make the user click it.
  • Domain value: Search engines assign a value to the domain associated with a backlink. The higher the domain value, the greater will be the impact on the backlink.
  • HTML Tags: All backlinks are presented in the form of html tags. In most scenarios, ahref tags will be used to highlight links.

4.      Why should you give importance to backlinks?

Search engines give priority to websites that have a high number of quality backlinks. Such websites will come up well on rankings results, provided your content is good as well.

5.      How should you build backlinks?

It takes a lot of months or even years to build quality backlinks. You should have a lot of patience while pursuing this task. Here are some avenues to build incoming links:
  • Write a guest post for a 3rd party blog
  • Submit a press release
  • Create posts on forums
  • Engage with your target audience on Social Media
  • Request other sites to feature a link on their site in exchange for money or their link on your site

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